Traps and Trails
Today was Thanksgiving Day, October 8th,(Canadian). Our mission for the day was to move our traps from the grassy meadows to the deep forest understory. Again, 100 traps were baited and set. While waiting for our furry visitors, we began cutting a trail section 200 meters long. Using hand saws, an axe and various other tools, our half of the team removed several large trees, underbrush and forest wood. Three hours later we had gone 200 meters. The other half of the team did a plant census within several designated areas. The predominant tree growth was balsam, spruce, white pine and hemlock, all coniferous trees. Although there were some birch and beech, deciduous trees were the exception.
Today was Thanksgiving Day, October 8th,(Canadian). Our mission for the day was to move our traps from the grassy meadows to the deep forest understory. Again, 100 traps were baited and set. While waiting for our furry visitors, we began cutting a trail section 200 meters long. Using hand saws, an axe and various other tools, our half of the team removed several large trees, underbrush and forest wood. Three hours later we had gone 200 meters. The other half of the team did a plant census within several designated areas. The predominant tree growth was balsam, spruce, white pine and hemlock, all coniferous trees. Although there were some birch and beech, deciduous trees were the exception.
Dear Mr Minott, Those voles are so cool. I would never touch one though. Will you get to ride on a boat? Do voles bite you? If they do you should be very carefull not to get bitten by one because they might have rabies and then you might get very sick. Come back soon!
From,Samantha A
Mr. Minott-
What an awesome adventure! I'll be sure to show Craig your blog tonight - he'll love it! Enjoy your last couple of days!
- Loren Boiarsky
Good luck Mr. Minott! Looks like you are having a wonderful time! The pictures are wonderful! It looks beautiful in Nova Scotia! See you soon!
~Ms. Eltman
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